For someone to sign up for a coaching package with you, two things are useful to keep in mind:
- They need to see life differently. 2) They need to live life differently.
Step 1 – They need to see life differently.
This step is about the client having hope. It's about you painting the possibility of what could happen for the client if they worked with you. It's not about leaving this to chance.
I had a client in my home on our final session of a small coaching package. He was looking for a longer-term coach; someone who charged less so he could work with them on a more extended agreement. I recommended a couple of coaches he could hire who are clients of mine, AND I told him that if we worked together for a year, he could double the revenue of his business and have substantial personal shifts in his life. I wanted him to see what would be possible for him if we worked together.
Step 2 – They need to live life differently.
Sometimes step 1 is enough, but often for a client to sign up, they have to start making the changes we outline in step 1 i.e. step 2 is about transformation occurring and not just the possibility of transformation.
So, if clients are not signing up, often the issue is that you need to create a bigger possibility for them in step 1. If you are not doing this, the potential client may not feel hopeful and/or see the possibility of transformation. They don't need or want anymore. OR you’ve shown them what could be possible for them, but they haven’t experienced any actual changes yet, so they don't sign up because they don't believe it will happen. This is especially true if they’ve worked with another coach or programme where they didn’t get the return on the investment they wanted.
Dr. Mark Howard and I have created a self-study programme called “Building an Impactful & Sustainable 3P Coaching Practice”, and there is an 11-minute preview from Chapter 3 about getting started and dealing with your insecurities. I highly recommend you listen to this and check out the other free previews we have in this course.
With love and appreciation,
Ankush Jain
Coach and Author of Sweet Sharing – Rediscovering the REAL You