What Makes us Good Enough? | 3 Principles Coaching

What makes us good enough?

I’ve now hosted 15 powerful Men’s Immersions and had dozens of men go through that program.
Whilst these men have come from different countries have been of different ages, different backgrounds and all look different, I have noticed a theme running through the conversations that I’ve had with many of these men. 

Although on the surface the challenges or questions they posed were different, underneath it there was an underlying belief which was “I don’t feel good enough”.

Now, this might have taken different forms such as:

“I’m single, and I don’t feel enough until I meet the right woman/man”


“How can I grow my business because I don’t feel enough earning as much as I earn right now.”

It could even be more generally:

“I need a vision and purpose for my life because, without one, I don’t feel enough.”

What I have pointed all of these men to and reminded myself of is that there’s nothing that we can do in the outer world that can make us feel enough.

There’s nothing that we can create, there’s no man/woman we can end up with, there’s no amount of money we can have, there’s no achievement we can reach that will make us feel enough.

Now that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try, create in the world and achieve things. In fact, it’s the opposite. Once we see we are already enough, that’s what actually gives us the freedom to go and create, that’s what gives us the freedom to play whatever game in life we want to play, whether that’s the game of business, the game of relationship or health.

If you want to watch a coaching demo I did years ago with a guy who ended up becoming an immersion attendee, check out the video below.


With love and appreciation,
Coach and Author of Sweet Sharing – Rediscovering the REAL You

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