A few years ago I was speaking with my coach about where to spend my time and energy growing my coaching practice and he suggested to spend my time doing what I enjoyed.

Now, this doesn’t mean every activity we can undertake as coaches is the same in terms of business growth. There are countless hours we can waste on activities that don’t really serve us, our business or the world. However, what I got from what my coach pointed me to was that there are so many ways to grow a coaching practice so it makes sense to put my energy and attention to activities that I enjoy doing.

For example, I love writing. It’s why I post these little posts and I wrote a book and this serves my coaching practice. However, if I didn’t like writing and I thought I HAD to write in order to be a successful coach, I’d really struggle. Similarly, I really like using social media and I have used it to serve my business. However, I have worked with coaches who really didn’t like using social media and the great news is they didn’t need to.

The other side of this, we can bring more joy into any activities we undertake. It is always our thinking we are feeling not the activity. So, I might THINK I don’t enjoy running groups (which I did think back in 2013) but then I might actually have fun running a group.

So do things that you enjoy that serve your business and bring more joy into your activities!


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