Using Social Media to Get Clients for Your Coaching Business – Social Media Strategy

Using Social Media to Get Clients for Your Coaching Business - Social Media Strategy

If you are a coach trying to build your client base, social media can be an incredibly powerful tool to help you create coaching clients. By using social media through the lens of creating conversations and a deeper impact, you can open up a world of opportunities to grow your business.

Social media Strategy for Coaches

Social media can be an excellent tool for growing your coaching practice if used effectively. It can also be a huge opportunity to waste your time and energy.

There’s a way to use social media to grow your audience and get known by lots of people, to constantly promote yourself, to spend hours and hours online, to try and look impressive, to build funnels, to focus on a specific niche and to speak to your audience’s pain points so you can manipulate them to buy your services and “attract coaching clients”.

When it comes to creating coaching clients and actually transforming people’s lives, I am not interested in any of that. Most advice I see on the internet about the “best” social media strategies for coaches is created by marketers, not successful coaches who have built impactful and sustainable businesses. As a coach, I want to use social media to coach people, not to create followers. I want to transfer as many aspects of my coaching conversations into my posts online, into my comments and into my private messages, so there’s as little distinction as possible between using social media and coaching someone.

I have been using Facebook for nearly a decade to build genuine relationships with people that I would have unlikely met before – many of whom have turned into clients of mine. Social media is filled with opportunities to really serve people and give them an experience of you as a coach and as a human being.

Get more coaching clients

When I’m coaching a new coach, everything I teach them about using social media is to get them into conversation with people. It’s not about vanity metrics. It doesn’t matter how many likes you have on a post or how many followers you have. That is far less important than the way you engage with people online. I once interviewed a coach who had 50 thousand subscribers on YouTube and was struggling to sell his $2,000 coaching package. I know another coach who has a million followers on his Facebook page and isn’t coaching full-time.

The effective use of social media as a coach is about creating relationships with your clients & potential clients and building opportunities to help them.

Content Strategy

If we want to use social media effectively, we have to treat it as a dialogue rather than a monologue. This means that it’s about having two-way communication with people with the purpose of eventually inviting them for a coaching call, as opposed to posting a piece of content on social media that makes you look impressive to others with the hope that they’ll reach out to you to hire you as a coach. This is about creating clients not attracting clients.

One of the things I talked about in my Coaching Career School is the importance of being raw, which means sharing your insights, learnings and stories online in a vulnerable and authentic way because that’s what people relate to. If you post consistently online (i.e on Linkedin) for a certain period of time, then assess your results and focus on what works best – meaning the posts that impacted people the most, not necessarily the ones that got the highest amount of likes – you’ll be on a learning curve to a more effective social media use. But to get a sense of what impacts people the most, you need to talk with them.


How to Create Coaching Clients Using Social Media

In the video below I interviewed the successful coach Sachin Sharma about his use of social media to create clients. Some of the things we explored were:

  • How often to post online
  • The importance of creating conversations with people
  • Looking at social media platforms as your virtual business cards
  • Getting comfortable sharing posts online
  • How to get wonderful guests on your podcast
  • What to share online to build your coaching business
  • The power of storytelling
  • Which are the best social platforms for your coaching business

Learn more about Sachin below.


Sachin Sharma – Life Coach & Business Coach

Sachin Sharma is an incredible client and dear friend of mine who’s successfully grown his 6+ figures online coaching business with the power of social media (particularly Instagram, Facebook and Youtube). One of the great things about Sachin’s approach is that he goes against most social media marketing strategies to get clients, including having a target audience or niche, focusing on getting more followers or speaking to your ideal client.

Sachin uses social media in one of the most authentic ways I’ve seen and his approach is very in line with the essence of the client creation process I use myself and help coaches with to get more clients.


With love and appreciation,
Ankush Jain
Coach and Author of Sweet Sharing – Rediscovering the REAL You


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