Track Your Numbers: Key to Sustainable Growth for Coaches

Track Your Numbers: Key to Sustainable Growth for Coaches

One of the things I was clear about when I launched the AJC Coaching Career School in 2022, was that the coaches in the school would track their numbers each month. Felipe Bernardo, my business partner has our team create a simple to update Google document where the coaches input the number of conversations they have had that month, the value of their proposals and the sales they have made.

When I started coaching I was very resistant to tracking my income and expenses. It felt vulgar in some way and I thought I simply needed to focus on helping people and the “money stuff” would sort itself out. This wasn’t a very effective system.

Thankfully, my coach at the time, the legendary Steve Chandler knew better and had me send him my sales every week. This raised my awareness of how my coaching business was doing and led me to spend more time on activities that actually led to income.

This is the same reason I weigh myself daily, measure my personal bests in the gym and track my calories and macros. Whenever I start measuring the right data in any area, it helps me to be more effective.

If you are a coach, I urge you to not avoid the hard numbers of your business. It will not turn you into an uncaring, cold business owner but actually, it will help you be more in service to people because that is what ultimately leads to sales in this profession.

Please share this article and video with anyone who could benefit from hearing this.

With love and appreciation,
Ankush Jain
Coach and Author of Sweet Sharing – Rediscovering the REAL You


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