What Is Three Principles Coaching & How Can We All Learn From It?

In this teleseminar for his coaching school, Steve Chandler interviews me about 3 Principles (3P) coaching; what it is and what coaches can learn from it. Click the link below to download the audio:


Steve Chandler is now the author of 30 books that have been translated into over 25 languages. He has worked with CEOs, top professionals, major universities, and over 30 Fortune 500 companies with his personal success coaching, public speaking and business consulting. He has twice won the national Audio of the Year award from King Features Syndicate. From numerous appearances on TV and radio talk shows, he has recently been called “the most powerful public speaker in America today.”

Steve is also a master coach and founder of the Coaching Prosperity School. As a result, he trained hundreds of coaches to transform many lives and businesses, thus, assisting them to build a strong practice and create great clients.

Contact Details:

To find more resources for coaches, please visit https://ankushjain.co.uk/coaches/

To grow your own coaching practice and become a more impactful three principles coach, check out Ankush’s online course with Dr Mark Howard: https://ankushkumarjain.podia.com/building-the-impactful-and-sustainable-3p-coaching-practice

And to find out more about Steve, please visit his website: https://www.stevechandler.com/

What Is Three Principles Coaching & How Can We All Learn From It?

three principles coaching


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