The One Thing I’d Focus On If I Start From Scratch

The One Thing I'd Focus On If I Start From Scratch

I want to help all coaches be more prosperous as I believe a rising tide lifts all boats. So, I reflected that if I was to start my coaching business from scratch, the one thing that I would solely focus on is creating conversations, ideally with prospective clients who are likely to hire me.

One of the things I’ve realised over the years is, that if I want to predict the future income of a coach I am working with, I simply have to look at how many conversations they are having, where they are giving an experience of their coaching. It really is very simple. One of the things that I learned when I was working with the Godfather of Coaching, Steve Chandler was to prioritise having conversations with potential clients over pretty much any other activity I might be doing.

Before I started working with Steve my time was spent on a whole host of activities such as creating my Relationship Series podcast, writing posts on social media, networking with other coaches and sometimes having conversations with potential clients.

Very quickly after I hired Steve, my focus shifted, and so did my income.

In my coaching school, we measure the number of conversations every coach has every month. Why? Because it’s the best predictor of their coaching income going forward.

Now a lot of coaches tell me, I don’t know who to talk to. And when I started out, I did have that challenge. If you’re reading this, and you are not having enough conversations and are struggling to know who to talk to, ideally you take this question to your coach. Work with your coach on finding a system that works for you to create more conversations.

Generically, I will say that when coaches slow down enough, and this is something that I promise all the coaches who attend my school, they will see that there are far too many people they can have conversations with than they could actually fit into the calendar.

If you don’t believe me, please reach out to any graduate of the AJC Coaching Career School and ask them whether this was their experience or not.

The challenge for coaches I work with then becomes an issue of filtering all the potential conversations they might be having, speaking to the ones that they can be the most service to and are the highest likelihood to sign up for coaching with them.

If you want to dive deeper into this and other relevant topics for the growth of your coaching career, take a look into the brochure on the AJC Coaching Career School page. It contains a great deal of incredible resources to help you.


With love and appreciation,
Ankush Jain
Coach and Author of Sweet Sharing – Rediscovering the REAL You



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