Strong Communities Are Not Accidental | AJC Coaching School

Strong Communities Are Not Accidental | 3 Principles Coaching

Over the past year, several clients have complimented me on my ability to bring great people into my programs and foster a sense of community spirit.

This hasn’t been accidental, and I realised that some people might not realise that it resulted from deliberate actions. Perhaps this stemmed from my childhood bullying, where I desperately craved to be part of a group? It may be because I love the community aspect of any training or programs I have attended.

I may never know the reason but I do know that in a world that is increasingly fast-paced, high tech and technology-driven, I am doubling down on fostering real relationships.

In my upcoming AJC Coaching Career School, we will have 36 coaches in a room over three weekends between September and March. This formally begins in September but I am already planting seeds and brainstorming how I can help the entire group feel like they already know each other by the time we first meet up in person in 4.5 months’ time.

On Monday, we have our first “pre-school” webinar where those who have already signed up can ask me any questions they want about growing their coaching practice or being more effective in their business. Now this is valuable content and ensures there is not a large gap between now and September, but also it’s an opportunity for people in the school to get to know each other.

I am convinced that a huge part of the value of my school is the relationships that are cultivated during the program. I feel a large part of my job is to encourage, enhance and facilitate those. I suggested to someone in the school to reach out to everyone who has signed up and have a conversation before September. I will encourage everyone in the school to go for lunch and dinner with different people each day.

It’s also why I haven’t offered a LIVE STREAMING option even though this would likely make me more money because whilst the technology is great, the experience simply isn’t the same. This has all been informed through the past 8-plus years of running my Powerful Men’s Immersions.

Thank you to Steve Chandler for highlighting this lesson to me over and over again over the past few years. I’ve really taken it to heart and I am excited to consciously create a wonderful community once again in this second cohort of the school.

With love and appreciation,
Ankush Jain
Coach and Author of Sweet Sharing – Rediscovering the REAL You


Keep Growing

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