RSP 10: Marina Pearson On Dropping your Inner Stories, TRULY listening and Being Connected

marinaDropping your Inner Stories, TRULY listening and Being Connected

This week, I interview my fellow Clarity Practitioner – Marina Pearson. She is the author of Goodbye Mr Ex, columnist and featured expert for the Huffington Post. Also, she is the founder of the Innate Wisdom retreats in Bali.

Marina and I met in 2013 at a coaching event where she was introduced to the principles behind our state of mind. I then got to know her better as she enrolled on the Clarity Practitioner Program alongside me. I saw her transform over those 9 months in a way that I can’t really describe, but Marina points to in our interview below.

My hope is that you enjoy listening as much as I did making this. As always, please leave your comments and feedback below. Also, share the links with anyone who could benefit from listening to it.

To find out more about Marina or connect with her, you can do so via her website –

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