When I started coaching, I searched for people to coach and tried convincing them to work with me. This approach to client creation has switched from what we call a pushing energy, where I’ve wanted to create clients, to more of a pulling energy, where clients more naturally want to work with me, sometimes before we have even had a conversation.
So, how did I do this? There are many things I could talk about, but here are a few to give you a feel for how this changed.
Firstly, I took a long-term approach to this business. I knew this wasn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. I didn’t engage in any activities in the coaching space, which could have led to a short-term increase in my income but not in the long term. For example, I knew I could use unscrupulous marketing techniques to sell people what they wanted but then deliver what I thought they needed. Some call this a bait-and-switch approach. But, this wouldn’t have led to people raving about my work as some would feel let down, as I had done when those tactics were used on me.
I knew that to create a long-term sustainable business, I had to develop an honest reputation for delivering what clients wanted and needed. In fact, it was more than that. To be successful, I knew I needed to over-deliver on their wants and needs.
Over time, as I built this reputation for being good at what I do, this created more of a pulling energy where existing clients would tell other people about the work I had done with them. I would then receive emails and messages from people informing me that someone else had told them they needed to work with me.
Secondly, it was the way that I used my pricing that created a pulling energy. Because I knew I wanted to be in this business for the long term, I didn’t need to make the most money I could in the shortest time. It also wasn’t necessary to make the most money I could from each client.
I would charge a fee low enough that someone could work with me but also one that meant I could profitably deliver the service I was offering. This approach ensured I had many clients rather than trying to grow my fees and income as quickly as possible but having considerable space in my calendar. I knew the more coaching I did and the more people were impacted by what I did, the more excellent my reputation would grow. As the word got out that I’m worthwhile checking out, the more I would create that pull for people to want to work with me.
Coaches don’t have this pull energy because they must take a long-term view of their business. Their fees are often too high for them to have a full practice, and they need to reinvest their income in developing their coaching skills and their coaching business more than they are.
There’s a great interview with Liz Scott for anyone just starting their coaching business and wanting to build a thriving practice one client at a time. It will give you a perspective on the importance of building relationships and commitment to being an accessible and approachable coach. Please check out the interview down below.
With love and appreciation,
Ankush Jain
Coach and Author of Sweet Sharing – Rediscovering the REAL You