4th of July / 19h15 - 20h45 Uk
A Powerful Men's Immersion Live Coaching Opportunity

The last webinar for The Powerful Men’s Immersion was such a success and we had such great feedback that we decided to do one more.
A large part of the Immersion experience is getting coached about any topic. It could be your biggest challenge or something you’ve just struggled with. It could be help with a goal you are aiming or the one area that if you handled would change everything.
Since signing up for long-term coaching with Steve Hardison in 2022, the Immersions have jumped to a whole new level each time we run them. This is because I am a fundamentally different man, coach, husband and father. I have shifted areas of my life that I had struggled with forever.
If you have have been coached by me in the past, you will find that my coaching has dramatically shifted.
My request is that you show up to the call on time, as if you had paid £1,000 to attend and with your most open listening. Don’t set me up to fail. If you do so you will have an incredible experience and get insights that will serve you powerfully.
– Ankush
Join us on the 4th of July at 19h15 - 20h45 Uk
*Only for men.