Is There Ever a Reason to Fire a Coaching Client? | 3 Principles Coaching

Is There Ever a Reason to Fire a Coaching Client? | 3P Coaching

Over the last eight years of working with Steve Chandler, there have been numerous conversations I’ve had with him about challenges I encountered with coaching clients.

On a few rare occasions, I brought up a particularly challenging client whom I wanted to fire. It looked to me that, for whatever reason I had at the time, the only answer was for us to stop working together.

Whenever something like this happened, Steve would always say the same thing. One option is that I could fire the client – it’s certainly something I could do. But there was also another option, another possibility.

The possibility was to slow down. To look at what was going on for that client and try something different that Steve and I would brainstorm together to reach them.

Every time I did this, I became a better coach. Every time I did this, I grew. And every time I did this, I also became better at setting up upfront coaching agreements in a more robust way, so I didn’t end up in this place again. It also helped me to let go of my ego which was always behind my desire to fire the client.

With love and appreciation,
Ankush Jain
Coach and Author of Sweet Sharing – Rediscovering the REAL You

P.S. Have you watched Dr Mark Howard’s demonstration in our online course of what coaching from the 3 Principles can look like? You can access the full session for free here.


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