I can now confirm that Amir Karkouti will deliver the first masterclass for the upcoming Ankush Jain coaching career school in September.
We will be discussing getting the most out of the school but so much more. We recorded this short video introducing Amir to those who don’t know him and as usual, so great stuff came out including the distinction between caught vs taught, why people SHOULDN’T listen to him and being a leader.
Amir is someone I met years ago through Facebook and over the years we’ve become colleagues and good friends. We’ve hosted webinars and online programs together despite never meeting in person.
Those of you who spend even a short space of time with him know he has a great sense of humour and really brings joy to his work.
If you are interested in joining my school for coaches which is focused on creating clients, increasing your prosperity and growing your business in a way that is ethical and in line with your values, then check out this link: https://www.ankushjain.co.uk/ajc
This is the first post with a link to the sales page and official launch and yet we’ve already sold 1/3 of the places.
Contact Details:
More information about the school: https://www.ankushjain.co.uk/ajc
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To find more resources for coaches, please visit https://www.ankushjain.co.uk/coaches