I remember I was so invested in the outcomes of my business, especially the financial outcomes, and this was not supporting me.
When it looked to me like it was really important if a client signed up or I created X amount of income, I had subconsciously put pressure on myself to sign people up. It led me to be needy and pushy which was the exact thing that would stop people from working with me.
If you are finding yourself in the same position, I would invite you to do a deeper dive into the Three Principles and have a look at what thinking you have that is having you so attached to a particular outcome. You may find out you have a belief that by achieving an outcome, you’re going to feel better, more fulfilled, happier or something else. That is a favourable feeling. However, I can tell you from my own experience that outcomes are completely neutral.
I remember when I first hit six figures in revenue with my coaching practice, I felt really good for a couple of days. And then I realised the outcome had nothing to do with how I was feeling because the feeling passed. I notice this with so many entrepreneurs and people in a career when they get a pay rise, they often feel good for a little bit and then it just feels normal.
So if you are chasing outcomes, there is no outcome that will permanently make you feel a certain way. Having a chronic addiction to achieving the next outcome will often lead to stress and anxiety, and get in the way of you achieving the most you can achieve.
If you would like to go deeper on this, I highly recommend spending some time with a Three Principals coach, teacher or mentor who can guide you through your own particular set of beliefs and thinking to help you explore whether this is true for you or not.
I know it was so helpful for me to spend a number of sessions with Dr. Keith Blevins back in 2014 where he really helped me uncover a lot of misunderstandings I had around outcomes, feelings and my inner wisdom.
Here’s one of my favourite interviews with him:
With love and appreciation,
Ankush Jain
Coach and Author of Sweet Sharing – Rediscovering the REAL You