How to Get the Most Out of AJC Coaching Career School

In this video, Deryl Sweeney interviews Ankush Jain about how to get the most out of the Coaching Career School which Ankush has created. Deryl is a professional life coach who has been working with Ankush as an apprentice since 2022. If you’re looking for effective tips to optimise your experience within coaching and mentoring programs and become a great mentee, you’ll want to watch this entire video and apply it to your own practice.


00:00 Introduction & Deryl Sweeney’s Coaching Business
03:44 The importance of your attitude
07:56 How your listening creates the value you get
13:26 Have it forefront of mind
15:00 Create a buffer to integrate your learning
17:50 What kind of experience do you want to create


If you are interested in joining the second AJC Coaching Career School which is focused on creating clients, increasing your prosperity and growing your business in a way that is ethical and in line with your values, then check out this link:

The school lasts over 6 months, it will take place in London with some online delivery of masterclasses and there is a lot more information on the sales page and a link to a longer brochure with a lot more information. I personally believe there is nothing else like this.


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With love and appreciation,
Coach and Author of Sweet Sharing – Rediscovering the REAL You


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