I thought I read extensively and was well-versed in the best personal development books. Then, I trained to be a coach and was introduced to a whole raft of books that I wished I had read when I was much younger. It would have helped me so much. A great book can change your life IF you are open to it.
In the AJC Coaching Career School, we carefully select the books on the curriculum each year. These are certainly not afterthoughts. Here is the bad news – no one graduates from the school until they have read all the books on the curriculum. Yes, this means over the course of 6 months, you will need to read 6 books, and that takes time, but here is the good news. By the end of the school, you won’t be the same coach or person, and you will get way more out of your investment.
My commitment is to make each school better than the previous one. I know this means raising the standard of each school rather than simply making it easier for people to sign up and graduate. Then, this wouldn’t be a school that is changing the coaching industry. It wouldn’t be a catalyst for raising the consciousness of the planet. It would simply be something I did in my business.
One of my other commitments is that any coach who follows the content as I promote the school will get £10,000 of value or more just from what I share. So here is a tip: Buy the books mentioned in the video below by Steve Chandler, Jamie Smart, Amy Hardison, and others and read them. If you’ve read them, reread them and share them with your clients and prospective clients. Everyone wins.
What books have most impacted you as a coach? Post your answers in the comment.
And if you want to discuss joining the next cohort of the AJC Coaching Career School, please get in contact with me.
With love and appreciation,
Ankush Jain
Coach and Author of Sweet Sharing – Rediscovering the REAL You