This week’s show is with coach, speaker and trainer, Ankush Jain. Ankush is a 3 Principles based life coach and trainer, based in the UK with clients from New Zealand to Canada. He especially enjoys helping clients step into their own inner power and create the lives they had dreamed of. In 2012, whilst enjoying a successful corporate career, he started his coaching training. What this led to was an introduction to the 3 Principles and the start of an incredible journey of personal and business transformation including getting married in 2016.
Ankush is the founder of the Powerful Mens Group and has run sold out Powerful Men’s Immersions in the UK for 4 years. Since 2016 he has also run Powerful Women’s Immersions with great success. As well as this he coaches other 3 Principles coaches to do this incredibly important work whilst staying true to their heart and the spirit of the Principles. He was the host of the successful Relationship Series podcast and in 2018 start the new Business Series Podcast aimed at a corporate audience.
In this conversation, we explored what’s really going on in the creation of a heart-centred business. Do you need to sell a bit of your soul to be successful? Or do you need to starve to do good works? Or is it possible to create a successful business in a way that flows from your heart and allows you to use your head in service of it. And spoiler alert… We absolutely see that it’s possible to do just that and we share what makes that happen.
What you’ll learn in this show: If we’re doing work which doesn’t come from our heart and isn’t having a positive impact on the world – it’ll typically not feel good. And what’s the point of that? What’s the point of having money without a sense of fulfilment and happiness too? And that makes even less sense, when we see we have the choice to be successful and soulful. People and businesses who are heart-centred feel great about doing business and they’re magnetic… people want to be around them and people want to give them their business.
The more we understand that our own wellbeing is a given, is taken care of, the more we can have fun creating all kinds of things in the world. That’s true on the deepest level of understanding of who you really are and also on a practical level of taking care of your physical and emotional needs first. The devil is often in the detail or put another way, how we do anything is how we do everything. If you take a look at the emails you send, the way you ask for money or your marketing – are you truly coming from your heart in all of those places? Can you customers really feel you in all of your interactions with them?
– Waking the Wild