How to Be More Present in a Coaching Session With a Client

How to Be More Present in a Coaching Session With a Client - Ankush Jain

Here are a few ideas that come to come to mind. Firstly, ensure your environment is distraction-free. I asked all of my clients when we’re having a coaching session to ensure they’re in a quiet space with no distractions because I know that will help them be more present. And the same for me too. I don’t typically coach clients if they’re driving, or on a walk, or if they’re out and about.

Secondly, the deeper I went with the Principles and got more present in life, the more present and slowed down to the present moment, the easier it was for me to be present with a client as well as any other situation in my life.

It’s important to do whatever work it takes to get you more present in life. For me, the thing that has helped me more than anything is my work and exploration of the Three Principles, as first articulated by Sydney Banks. And especially the work I did with my mentor Dr. Keith Blevens. I often tell clients to hire Keith before he retires permanently, as he’s already in his 70s and is remarkably valuable in what he does.

Thirdly, I found that the longer I have been coaching, the easier it is to be present with the client and tune into what they might be saying behind their words.

If you are a new coach, and you’re struggling to be present with your clients, know it’s normal and experiences are your friend. This is why I’m a huge advocate for coaches to do whatever it takes to be coaching a lot as opposed to only focusing on the fees.

If you want to dive deeper into making a greater impact in your coaching sessions, check out this interview I did with Barbara Patterson, who recently gave us an incredible masterclass at AJC Coaching Career School.


How to Be More Present in a Coaching Session With a Client - Ankush Jain


With love and appreciation,
Ankush Jain
Coach and Author of Sweet Sharing – Rediscovering the REAL You


Keep Growing

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