One of the fallacies I see today is people talking about being true to themselves and expressing themselves.
While I’m not saying this is a bad thing, we also need to consider where our feelings are coming from. There is a big difference between certainty and accuracy. There are many times when I feel certain about something; it could be me being certain of my opinion of someone else or certain about something that’s happening in the world. And I’d get this feeling of knowing that my thought was true, but when I looked back at my life, I noticed that my feeling of certainty isn’t strongly aligned with accuracy.
There have been times when I’ve been certain about something or someone and later it turned out that my thought or opinion wasn’t very accurate. Now, rather than just expressing myself fully when I feel certain about something, I want to slow down, pause and notice if I’m speaking with accuracy or certainty.
This idea of “speaking our truth”, whilst noble, can sometimes be based on the misunderstanding that what we’re feeling is accurate, as opposed to seeing that we just have a strong feeling about something.
I had a fantastic interview with Jason Goldberg, where we covered topics like being aware of Impression Management and how to change it and whether you should fix your weaknesses or develop your strengths. You can watch this conversation below.
With love and appreciation,
Ankush Jain
Coach and Author of Sweet Sharing – Rediscovering the REAL You