I filled many group programmes over the years, from my AJC Coaching Career School to my Powerful Men’s Immersions to programmes I facilitated online with excellent coaches like Steve Chandler and Amir Karkouti.
Almost every single programme I have ever run has sold out. And coaches often ask me how I’ve done that. Again, to fully answer this question goes beyond the scope of an email or post. However, I will do my best.
One of the things I have found is when I’m filling a group is that my job isn’t necessarily to sell the group to people who might want to attend. It may look like that to others, but that’s not happening.
My job is to give people an experience of what the group is and to let them decide whether this is something they would like more of.
This could be in the form of having lots of conversations with people. It could be in the form of delivering webinars, in the form of creating a brochure which outlines the key topics and provides resources, and in the form of creating a mini version of the programme for free. I have done all of these things.
Every time I create a way for people to experience what the programme is about, rather than just telling them logistical information about the programme. People who are a good fit tend to want to sign up.
Also, if I’m running a program that I intend to run again, this approach is precious because there may be people who cannot attend that time. But if they’ve had a great experience, they will remember it when the programme is rerun. This is something I found when launching my AJC Coaching Career School.
Some people couldn’t attend in 2022, but they were impacted by the content I was putting out and the experience I was giving people about the school, so much so that when the 2023 School was launched (in some cases before it was launched), they signed up.
As coaches, I suggest we build a reputation for delivering excellent service and going above and beyond in the programmes we teach. Then the word gets out, and it becomes easier and easier to not only fill your group programmes but have them be oversubscribed.
Many great resources are shared in the new brochure on the AJC Coaching Career School page! Sharing resources with clients is a powerful way to initiate a significant shift in both the likelihood of the client signing up and the fee the clients are willing to pay for the coaching. In the coaching school (which is now full for this cohort), I’ll be sharing my favourite resources to send prospective clients before they sign up, including some from other coaches you’d have to pay for.
Whether or not you attend my school in the future or not, you can download the brochure here.
With love and appreciation,
Ankush Jain
Coach and Author of Sweet Sharing – Rediscovering the REAL You