Fearless Coaching. Being Bold and Audacious| 3 Principles Coaching

Fearless Coaching. Being Bold and Audacious| 3 Principles Coaching

One of the themes that came out of my inaugural AJC Coaching Career School, was being audacious.

This was a word I’d used in a coaching session with coach Ben Owen who reminded me of it during the first module of the school and it then became a theme for us for the next six months.

I love the word audacious because to me it has a sense of fun built into it. It is empowering and really helps me think bigger than I had done before.

I know so much of my life I played it safe and to be encouraging I had to consistently step out of my comfort zone and be bold and ignore the thoughts of “Who am I to do this” or “What if I say this and I fall flat on my face.”

Steve Chandler taught me that clients aren’t paying for someone to be their friend.

Yes, rapport is certainly important and often an entry point to a deep and impactful conversation. However, clients are paying me to help them transform and often that means saying the thing to them that no-one else would say in their life and saying it in a way that they would really hear it. That required me to be audacious.

Similarly, growing a coaching practice, just like growing any business, often requires us to be bold, to take action and that is why I would suggest to coaches not just to sit back and wait for clients to come to them, but to really go out and create clients. This could include going out in the world and sharing their story and to be willing to ask for help.

I’m sure this will be a theme in the upcoming second cohort of the AJC Coaching Career School. Click here to get more information about it. We only have a few spaces left.


With love and appreciation,
Ankush Jain
Coach and Author of Sweet Sharing – Rediscovering the REAL You



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