Exploring Deep Listening with Dr. Mark Howard | AJC Coaching Career School 2023

Join us for this enlightening interview with Dr. Mark Howard, a renowned faculty member of the AJC Coaching Career School. Dr. Howard, based in the beautiful San Francisco Bay area, brings his expertise in deep listening and building close relationships to the discussion. Discover valuable insights into overcoming challenges in coaching, such as gaining confidence, and connecting with clients. Learn how to approach coaching individuals from diverse backgrounds, including CEOs, sports stars, and famous personalities. Dr. Howard emphasizes the power of treating everyone as equals and following your natural curiosity.

00:00 Introduction and welcoming Dr. Mark Howard
01:48 Overcoming challenges in gaining confidence as a coach
05:13 The power of natural curiosity in coaching
10:53 The magic of deep connection and guidance
15:09 Conclusion and invitation to join the AJC Coaching Career School

More about Dr. Mark Howard:
Dr. Mark Howard is the founder of the Three Principles Institute in Belmont, California, USA. He is recognized as one of the pioneers who first brought the three principles into the field of psychology. Since 1982, Dr. Howard has been teaching private clients, families, and business professionals. He is now devoting his time to mentoring and supporting anyone who wishes to share the principles with love, clarity, and impact.

If you are interested in joining the second AJC Coaching Career School which is focused on creating clients, increasing your prosperity and growing your business in a way that is ethical and in line with your values, then check out this link: https://www.ankushjain.co.uk/ajc

The school lasts over 6 months, it will take place in London with some online delivery of masterclasses and there is a lot more information on the sales page and a link to a longer brochure with a lot more information. I personally believe there is nothing else like this.
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Facebook Group – If you are looking for an active community of coaches to truly help you grow your practice, search no more: https://www.facebook.com/groups/coaching3ps/

Find out more about Dr. Mark Howard at: http://threeprinciplesinstitute.org/


With love and appreciation,
Coach and Author of Sweet Sharing – Rediscovering the REAL You


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