Can I Really Earn A Living From Coaching? 

Can I Really Earn A Living From Coaching?

In 2012, I started my journey of being a professional coach. I was cooking vegetable fajitas and heard a voice say, you should be a coach. It felt like the universe (or God) was speaking to me. 12 days later, I was sitting in a hotel room in London at the start of a year-long training with Jamie Smart on his Inner Circle program.

I was naive at the start and thought within 3 months, I would be able to quit my corporate job and pursue coaching full-time. I didn’t expect to be introduced to a new paradigm in psychology.

Over the next 12 months, my life completely changed. I had many powerful insights that resulted in actual changes. I stopped procrastinating as much, dropped a lot of ego, and started seeing possibilities I couldn’t have thought of before.

However, the coaching practice was growing very slowly. Not only that but as I looked around, I saw that I wasn’t the only one struggling. Many marketing experts advised me to start a blog, build a website, or use video to create clients, but I couldn’t see anyone doing it successfully. Creating clients seemed like some dark art, and often, the approaches suggested by self-proclaimed experts felt unethical.

I hired Steve Chandler in 2014, thinking this would be my last investment to give coaching a real go before I gave up. Almost immediately after hiring Steve, my business started to grow. Steve introduced me to ideas that changed my bank balance and made me more effective with clients. I began to see what he meant in his books by service, which was far beyond what I imagined. He helped me drop my ego around my fees and become a working coach with full practice. He helped me see that it was better to have a paying client at a lower fee than no client at all.

Over time, Steve took the mystery out of client enrollment and helped me create systems that led to a growing ethical coaching practice that I could be proud of. I learned that I needed to give people an experience of coaching rather than talk about coaching. I needed to help people before they hired me, not after they paid me. It seems obvious now, but it didn’t back then.

However, it took some time before I made the same income as I had at my corporate job. There were many times I questioned myself, judged myself, and doubted myself. Was I fooling myself? I sometimes wondered if I would forever be a struggling coach. Thankfully, I stayed on the path and knew, on some level, that my fears reflected my thinking. Steve believed that I could have a successful practice, and I trusted him.

Over the years, my business grew, my impact on clients increased, my understanding of the Principles deepened, and whilst I had challenges, my ability to handle them improved.

Like many coaches, I have been frustrated by programs aimed at coaches with a poor track record of success. That frustration was just a thought, AND I wanted to offer an alternative. I am super proud of the coaching school I created in 2022 with massive support from Steve Chandler. So many of those who have graduated from the school have had wild success, and it’s very rewarding to watch graduates go from strength to strength. I want many role models available to this community of coaches who are earning a respectable income, doing good work and operating ethically.

Please use all the resources I am posting on social media and on my website to support your business growth. Together, we can raise the tide for all.


Keep Growing

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