One of the most transformative insights I’ve gained in my coaching journey is the power of showing up with an open mind and no agenda.
This idea might seem obvious to some, although it didn’t to me at the start of my journey. It might also seem counterintuitive, given that people often encourage thorough preparation and planning.
In my experience, genuine connection and meaningful shifts happen when I am fully present with my client, free from preconceived ideas of what we should address.
Early on, as a coach, I was convinced that my clients expected me to have every answer mapped out. Over time, I realised that coaching is less about delivering perfect solutions and more about being open to whatever unfolds. I discovered that the most profound moments come from simply being there—fully attentive, responsive, and ready to explore together.
The conversation itself will reveal what matters most at that moment. This also applies to my men’s immersion programmes, which I run over a week. I don’t make an agenda of topics; my clients create the agenda. When I drop any expectations, I make space for insights to emerge organically, which allows the other person to become the focus of the conversation and for wisdom to come through me.
In my experience, this kind of openness has created some of the most impactful breakthroughs I’ve witnessed. Moments that likely wouldn’t have happened if I’d been focused on a set plan.
So, next time you enter a coaching session or any meaningful interaction, consider showing up with an open heart and an empty mind. Trust in the wisdom life has already given you—your experiences, instincts, and care for others. Sometimes, letting go of the script creates space for something richer and more genuine to emerge for you and those you serve.
With love and appreciation,
Ankush Jain
Coach and Author of Sweet Sharing – Rediscovering the REAL You