Year-Long Coaching Apprenticeship

Are you ready to fully invest in growing your coaching practice for the next 12 months?

If so, you might just be my next apprentice!

Since 2018 I have worked intensely with a small number of apprentices, and each has realised extremely deep transformations within themselves and their coaching practices.

My own apprenticeship with Steve Chandler had a profound impact on my life and coaching, so I know just how transformative this sort of relationship is. It literally changed me as a man and as a coach (and this is after being coached by him for 8 and a half years).

During your apprenticeship, I will learn a great deal about your life and your business, while at the same time, you learn about mine. Nothing is off the table – money, relationships, health, parenting, procrastination as well as running “game film” on your client calls. I truly believe that one can’t be a great coach if their personal and professional life is a mess.

You’ll get to see how I’ve managed to grow my own successful coaching business in a way that I can be proud of. No gimmicks or smarmy techniques but how I created systems based in integrity and service. You’ll see that it’s less about marketing and more about heart-to-heart conversations. Soul-to-soul even. You’ll learn first-hand how I help my clients find their own inner wisdom which they may have momentarily lost sight of.

Your apprenticeship is a 12-month commitment, which enables us to leave no stone un-turned. As my apprentice, you’ll truly get an inside look at my business and into everything I do and how I continue to evolve and grow.

And as you learn and grow along with me, you, your clients, your family, your employees, and anyone else in your world will all reap the benefits.

But a deep level of commitment is required.

Your coaching apprenticeship with me requires more time and money than my normal private and executive coaching. You must be truly ready to create the life and business you want and to invest making this happen. With that said, when highly committed, you will see a significant positive return on your investment via a prosperous and sustainable coaching practice as well as a deep personal transformative experience.

Here are some of what’s included in our Apprenticeship relationship:

(Note that the specifics vary from client to client)

  1. We will speak every week for 90 minutes (48 sessions) over the course of a year.
  2. We will meet in person for two days when this can be logistically arranged. One of these days will be used to kick off the whole year and get clear on your objectives.
  3. Male apprentices will also get the option to attend any Powerful Men’s Immersions I run during our 12 months together instead of the in-person days.
  4. You will also have access to any online courses I have created at no extra cost.
  5. I will coach you deeply on both your professional and personal life (they are intimately connected) and no subject is off the table.
  6. You will have access to additional spot coaching from me (15 minute sessions) over the course of the year.
  7. You will be sent some of the very best resources I have collected. This includes books, audios, videos and anything that will support our work together, deepen your insights and understanding of the areas we are coaching around.
  8. You will have the ability to email me your draft correspondence to prospective clients or draft social media posts for feedback and critique.
  9. I spend tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours on my own personal, professional, and spiritual development. I invest heavily in my own coaching. I will share with you all that I learn so that through me you get the same value. These are insights that have changed my life and may change yours too.
"It's going to be 2 months soon since I started the apprenticeship! I see myself learning and growing so much. I am filling my calendar with more conversations and I have signed up 3 clients so far in the last 2 months. This was one of the BEST INVESTMENT I made for myself. Ankush's support, his coaching and helping me see things differently has been so instrumental so far in my growth and I am forever grateful for his love and support. I still have a long way to go in my apprenticeship and I am so eagerly looking forward to learning & growing, serving my clients even more powerfully and building a thriving heart-centered coaching practice."
Pradeepa Narayanaswamy

Think you might want to be my apprentice?

Here are some more things you should know:

Your monetary investment is £55,000 plus VAT. Yet you will be embarking on the most amazing growth journey of your life, which you will never regret.

You will not be the same person in 12 months time.

You will get WAY move value from your apprenticeship than the price that you pay. (Much of it will be measurable ROI.)

If all this sounds like something you’re ready for, please contact me to see if we might be a good fit.

How to Create Coaching Clients

Download a free replay of a webinar I conducted with Steve Chandler on how to create coaching clients. In it, you’ll discover some of the incredible principles that have allowed both Steve and I to create successful coaching practices.

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